Welcome to the South Quay Building Portal, an exclusive online community for the building. The portal provides a secure and convenient means of accessing building documentation, booking facilities, receiving announcements, and provides access to the services on offer.
Simply fill in your details on the right and submit your information to the building management team to request an account. Please ensure you enter a work email address so that it can be verified with your company, if you use a personal email address please note that your request may be declined.
Enhanced user access is primarily for Reception and Facilities team members and Representative is for Facilities Managers and Senior Management. All registration requests for these user groups will be checked with your company first before approval by the building management team. If you are not sure what access you should have, please speak to your facilities or office manager before registering.
If you require just a single account for multiple users i.e. a Facilities or Reception team, then please show the title as ‘Other’, the forename as ‘Facilities’ or ‘Reception’ and the surname as ‘Team’. The e-mail address you enter must be the communal one for that team and not an individual person.
If you do not have a work mobile number, please show your main office contact number instead.